beraberce Xchange Program: Sites of Memory beraberce Xchange Program: Sites of Memory” supports people who are interested in collective memory, remembering, forgetting and confrontation and those who believe that memory and conscience spaces can contribute to democratization.
Together, life is beautiful!
Since the day we were founded as the strategic partner of the DVV International (the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association), in November 2017, we have been operating in the areas of adult education, coming in terms with the past and peace culture. We, beraberce Association, know that it is important to empower the local communities for confronting and dealing with the past. Thus, we develop and apply methods to reveal the collective memory.
Growing Archive of Sites of Consciousness and of Hope

You may learn about sites of memory and consciense, museums, memorials and stories of hope across the world via Growing Archive of Sites of Consciousness and of Hope. Everyone can post their own stories to the Archive and we are waiting for your contributions!

Growing Archive of Sites of Consciousness and of Hope App “HATIRLA” is available in Ios and Android!

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